Urinary system (kidney, urinary bladder, etc.) list

Registry number:6001
Diagnosis:Harnblaseraptur folgt der Cystitish Hemorrhagica purulenta, rupture of urinary bladder due to purulent, hemorrhagic cystitis
Material:Pr. 240, cattle, Holstein, female, 14 years old, Morioka, Motomiya, hemorrhagic peritonitis
Date:Morioka, July, 9, 1959, Sadao Miura

Registry number:6002
Diagnosis:Harnleiterraptur folgt des Begatlungmisserhaltens, rupture of ureter due to miss mating
Material:E.792, pig, Middle Yorkshire, female, 1.5 years old, Morioka Motomiya
Date:Morioka, October, 13, 1961, Kan-ichi Ohshima

Registry number:6003
Diagnosis:Anemischer Infarkt, anemic infarct of kidney
Material:Pr. 252, dog, Shepherd, female, 6 years old, Aomori Prefecture, Morioka, death by septicemia due to ovariectory
Date:Morioka, November, 25, 1959, Kan-ichi Ohshima

Registry number:6004
Diagnosis:Cystitis follicularis, follicular cystitis
Material:Pr. 331, dog, Shepherd , female, 4 years old, born in Saitama Prefecture, Morioka, leptospirosis
Date:Morioka, July, 29, 1961 , Kan-ichi Ohshima

Registry number:6005
Diagnosis:Harnblaseepithelkrebs, carcinoma of urinary bladder
Material:Pr. 342, cattle, Holstein crossbreed, female, 7 years old, Shiwa-gun, Yahaba-mura, anemia, euthanized by exsanguination
Date:Morioka, December, 4, 1961, Sadao Miura

Registry number:6006
Diagnosis:bovine leukemia (retikulosarcomatosis), bovine leukosis, kidney (see 1003)
Material:Pr. 391, cattle, Japanese, female, Iwate Prefecture, Shimohei-gun, Yamagata-mura, kidney, intestine, genital organs, heart and lymph nodes
Date:Morioka Slaughter House, September, 21, 1962, Sadao Miura

Registry number:6007
Diagnosis:Harnblaseepithelkrebs, carcinoma of urinary bladder
Material:E. 884, cattle, Holstein, female, 8 years old, white and black, Shimohei-gun, Iwaizumi-chyo, Yumoto, Hanamaki
Date:Hanamaki Slaughter House, November, 27, 1962

Registry number:6008
Diagnosis:Fettnekrose, fat necrosis, fat tissue surrounding kidney
Material:E.1267, cattle, Japanese Black, female, 6 years old, Shiwa-gun Tokuda-mura, occurrence at around kidney, greater omentum, intestinal wall (see 4009, 4010)
Date:Morioka Slaughter House, February, 7, 1966

Registry number:6009
Diagnosis:Harnblasepithelkrebs folgt der Hemangiom, carcinoma of urinary bladder
Material:E1050., cattle, Holstein, female, 5 years old, white and black, Morioka
Date:Morioka Slaughter House, November, 11, 1964

Registry number:6010
Diagnosis:Nephroblastom, nephroblastoma
Material:Pr. 1388, pig, Yorkshire, male, 6 months old, Kunohe-gun, Kunohe-mura
Date:Morioka Slaughter House, June, 15, 1966

Registry number:6011
Diagnosis:Bladder Adenocarcinoma, adenocarcinoma of urinary bladder
Material:E.1697, Slaughter House, Pr. 386, cattle, Holstein, female, 5 years old, born in Kunohe-gun
Date:Morioka Slaughter House, August, 21, 1970

Registry number:6012
Diagnosis:rupture of urinary bladder and prostatomegaly
Date:1912, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6013
Diagnosis:Dilation of pelvis, pyelectasis
Date:February, 13, 1905, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6014
Diagnosis:bovine leukemia, bovine leukosis, kidney
Material:Pr. 971, cattle, Holstein, female, 5 years old, Iwate-gun, Matsuo-mura
Date:Morioka, February, 1, 1974

Registry number:6015
Diagnosis:bovine leukemia, bovine leukosis
Material:Pr. 1052, cattle, Japanese Shorthorn, female, 4 years old, Iwate Prefecture, Jyohoji-chyo
Date:Morioka, February, 28, 1975

Registry number:6016
Diagnosis:Fat necrosis
Material:Pr. 1024, cattle, Japanese Black, female, 4 years old, born in Okayama Prefecture, Shizukuishi-chyo
Date:Morioka, October, 26, 1974

Registry number:6017
Material:Pr. 843, cattle, female, 10 years old, right kidney
Date:April, 16, 1932, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6018
Diagnosis:bovine leukosis, bovine leukemia
Material:Pr. 1547, cattle, Japanese Black , female, 13 years old, Esashi
Date:March, 3, 1982, Kan-ichi Ohshima

Registry number:6019
Diagnosis:bovine leukosis, bovine leukemia, kidney
Material:Pr. 1597, cattle, Japanese Shorthorn, female, 1 year old, Iwaizumi-chyo, Ohkawa
Date:November, 15, 1982

Registry number:6020
Diagnosis:bovine leukosis, bovine leukemia, urinary bladder
Material:Pr. 1300, cattle, Holstein, female, 5 years old, Nishine-chyo
Date:February, 9, 1979, Kan-ichi Ohshima

Registry number:6021
Diagnosis:bovine leukosis, bovine leukemia, kidney
Material:Pr. 1274, cattle, Holstein, female, 5 years old, Kuzumaki-chyo
Date:August, 27, 1978, Kan-ichi Ohshima

Registry number:6022
Diagnosis:Purulent interstitial nephritis, suppurative interestitinal nephritis
Material:Pr. 1115, cattle, Japanese Black , female, 3 years old, Thowa-chyo
Date:February, 4, 1976, Kan-ichi Ohshima

Registry number:6023

Registry number:6024
Diagnosis:amyloidosis, kidney
Material:E.2923, cattle, Holstein, female, 4 years old
Date:January, 29, 1986, Reeko Sato

Registry number:6025
Material:Pr. 1872, cattle, Holstein, male, 8 months old, born in Hokkaido, Obihiro, Kuzumaki-chyo, Kuzumaki Town Farm
Date:May, 12, 1986, Kosuke Okada

Registry number:6026
Diagnosis:Cystic kidney, kidney
Material:E.3173, cat, Persian, female, 14 years old, Yokohama
Date:September, 14, 1987

Registry number:6027
Diagnosis:anemic infarct, kidney (see 1027), same cattle as 1027
Material:Pr. 1994, cattle, Holstein, female, 11 year old, Koiwai Farm
Date:June, 16, 1988, Kosuke Okada

Registry number:6028
Diagnosis:normal kidney
Material:Pr. 812, horse, colt
Date:October, 3, 1931, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6029
Material:Pr. 971, horse, bay , female, 9 years old, Kitayama
Date:June, 17, 1935, Tokutaro Nakamura

Registry number:6030
Diagnosis:kidney and urinary bladder

Registry number:6031
Diagnosis:Fufeisenniere, horseshoe shaped kidney
Date:Taisho, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6032
Diagnosis:cattle, kidney

Registry number:6033
Diagnosis:pigmentation of renal cortex
Material:Pr. 057, horse, bay, female, 10 years old,
Date:May, 17, 1937, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6034
Diagnosis:botryomycoma of kidney
Material:horse, metastasis from lesion of rib
Date:Taisho, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6035
Diagnosis:kidney (fat infiltration)
Material:lion, right kidney, 318g
Date:March, 1912, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6036
Diagnosis:petechiasis of kidney
Date:Slaughter House, April, 10, 1917, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6037
Diagnosis:disseminated renal hemorrhage
Material:Pr. 913, horse, equine infectious anemia
Date:January, 5, 1929, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6038
Diagnosis:petechiasis of renal cortex
Material:Pr. 717, horse, equine infectious anemia
Date:June, 3, 1930, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6039
Diagnosis:kidney petechiae
Material:Pr. 913, horse, equine infectious anemia
Date:April, 5, 1934, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6040
Diagnosis:hypertrophy and hemorrhage of kidney, bovine leukemia, bovine leukosis
Material:Pr. 261, cattle, Jersey, female, 11 months old, Iwate Breeding Farm
Date:March, 18, 1960, Sadao Miura

Registry number:6041
Diagnosis:renal cyst due to uroschesis and renal hemorrhage
Material:Pr. 115, horse, Shyukugi-gou
Date:July, 2, 1913, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6042
Diagnosis:renal cyst
Date:Taisho, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6043
Diagnosis:renal retention cyst (congenital)
Material:Pr. 669, horse, male, 26 hours after birth
Date:May, 20, 1929, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6044
Diagnosis:renal cyst due to uroschesis
Material:sheep, Experimental Farm
Date:July, 30, 1930, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6045
Diagnosis:renal cyst
Material:Pr. 1048, gelding, chestnut color, Nantsui-gou, 2 years old
Date:April, 22, 1937, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6046
Diagnosis:renal cyst
Material:horse, practice
Date:December, 1938, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6047
Diagnosis:renal cyst
Date:Slaughter House

Registry number:6048
Diagnosis:Hydronephrose, hydronephrosis
Material:horse, following obstruction of ureter, presented from Saburo Yahagi
Date:October, 5, 1914, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6049
Diagnosis:Hydronephrose, hydronephrosis
Material:horse, following obstruction of ureter, presented by Saburo Yahagi
Date:Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6050
Diagnosis:hypertrophy and fat degeneration of kidney
Date:November, 14, 1911, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6051
Diagnosis:hypertrophy of kidney (1,500g) and rupture of capsule
Material:Pr. 717, horse, equine infectious anemia
Date:June, 2, 1930, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6052
Diagnosis:hypertrophy of kidney (2,000g) and hematoma
Material:Pr. 742, horse, gelding, bay, 10 years old, equine infectious anemia, Troop 23
Date:September, 13, 1930, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6053
Diagnosis:hypertorophy of kidney (1,400 g) and rupture of capsule
Material:Pr. 810, horse, acute equine infectious anemia, Troop 23
Date:September, 18, 1931, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6054
Diagnosis:hemorrhagic infarct of kidney
Material:Pr. 66, horse
Date:September, 29, 1912, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6055
Diagnosis:hemorrhagic infarct of kidney and malignant embolic infarctive nephritis
Material:Pr. 151, horse
Date:June, 29, 1914, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6056
Diagnosis:hemorrhagic infarct kidney
Material:Pr. 158, horse, due to thrombotic endarteritis of renal artery
Date:August, 8, 1914, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6057
Diagnosis:hemorrhagic infarct of kidney
Material:Pr. 327, horse
Date:June, 1, 1918, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6058
Diagnosis:hemorrhagic infarct of kidney
Material:Pr. 327
Date:June, 1, 1918, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6059
Diagnosis:infarct scar of kidney, renal aneurysm and renal arteriosclerosis
Date:June, 1, 1918, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6060
Diagnosis:anemic infarct of kidney
Material:Pr. 457, horse, bay , 11 years old, Tenkoku-gou, Troop 24
Date:March, 4, 1923, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6061
Diagnosis:hemorrhagic infarct of kidney
Material:Pr. 470, cattle, female, 9 years old, postpartum paralysis
Date:September, 15, 1923, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6062
Diagnosis:anemic infarct of kidney (parasitic)
Material:Pr. 699, horse
Date:November, 1, 1929, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6063
Diagnosis:renal infarct
Material:dog, dirofilariasis
Date:June, 1931, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6064
Diagnosis:anemic infarct of kidney
Material:Pr. 933, horse, female, equine infectious anemia
Date:July, 11, 1934, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6065
Diagnosis:infarct of kidney, calcification in medulla
Date:Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6066
Diagnosis:atrophic kidney
Material:Pr. 308, horse
Date:November, 6, 1931, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6067
Diagnosis:hypertrophy of left kidney, atrophy of night kidney
Material:cat, 13 years old
Date:July, 8, 1935, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6068
Diagnosis:atrophic kidney
Date:October, 6, 1935, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6069
Diagnosis:compensatory hypertrophy of left kidney and atrophy of night kidney
Material:horse, Military Horse Center, Sanbongi Branch, presented by veterinary student Shiba
Date:January, 1931, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6070
Diagnosis:renal arteriosclerosis and atrophic kidney (parasitic)
Date:Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6071
Diagnosis:renal tuberculosis
Date:February, 27, 1911, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6072
Diagnosis:chronic nephritis
Material:Pr. 83, horse
Date:November, 28, 1912, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6073
Diagnosis:chronic interstitial nephritis
Material:Pr. 153, horse
Date:July, 8, 1914, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6074
Diagnosis:chronic nephritis
Material:Pr. 193, horse, including rib
Date:June, 3, 1915, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6075
Diagnosis:chronic nephritis
Material:Pr. 194, horse
Date:June, 29, 1915, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6076
Diagnosis:acute nephritis
Date:March, 1917, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6077
Diagnosis:disseminated suppuration in kidney
Material:Pr. 418, horse, omphalitis of colt
Date:April, 1, 1922, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6078
Diagnosis:chronic nephritis
Material:Pr. 476, horse, male (stallion, stud), 28 years old, Ride-gou
Date:August, 16, 1923, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6079
Diagnosis:chronic interstitial nephritis
Material:Pr. 476, horse, male (stallion, stud), 28 years old, Ride-gou
Date:August, 16, 1923, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6080
Diagnosis:congestion of glomerulus and hemorrhagic nephritis
Material:Pr. 255, horse
Date:Taisho, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6081
Diagnosis:nodule in kidney
Material:Pr. 563, kidney
Date:July, 30, 1925, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6082
Diagnosis:chronic interstitial nephritis
Material:Pr. 657, dog
Date:April, 4, 1929, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6083
Diagnosis:chronic interstitial nephritis
Material:Pr. 737, horse, 12 years old
Date:August, 15, 1930, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6084
Diagnosis:chronic interstitial nephritis
Material:Pr. 740, horse, chestnut color, male, Ruper 5-gou, 26 years old, Iwate Stallion Center
Date:September, 8, 1930, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6085
Diagnosis:suppurative nephritis (metastatic dissemination)
Material:Pr. 846, cattle, female, 6 years old, gangrenous metritis
Date:May, 2, 1932, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6086
Diagnosis:chronic interstitial nephritis and purulent nephritis
Material:Pr. 846, cattle, female, 6 years old
Date:May, 2, 1932, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6087
Diagnosis:chronic interstitial nephritis (osteomalasia)
Material:Pr. 915, horse, bay , male, 9 years old
Date:April, 24, 1934, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6088
Diagnosis:chronic interstitial nephritis
Material:Pr. 1052, horse, bay, female, 20 years old, Hokkaido, difficult desquamation of capsule
Date:May, 5, 1937, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6089
Diagnosis:chronic nephritis
Material:Pr. 1061, horse, bay, gelding, Simoda-gou, 19 years old
Date:July, 7, 1937, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6090
Diagnosis:chronic interstitial nephritis
Material:Pr. 1135, horse
Date:August, 22, 1939, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6091
Diagnosis:chronic interstitial nephritis
Date:Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6092
Diagnosis:chronic interstitial nephritis
Material:Pr. 14, gelding, Matsushiro-gou, 24 years old
Date:January, 20, 1953, Sadao Miura

Registry number:6093
Diagnosis:purulent nephritis, suppurative nephritis
Material:Pr. 148, horse, male, 4 months old, shigellosis of foals
Date:June, 25, 1958, Sadao Miura

Registry number:6094
Diagnosis:chronic nephritis

Registry number:6095
Diagnosis:Nephritis fibroplastica, fibroplastic nephritis (white-spotted kidney)
Material:Pr. 790

Registry number:6096
Diagnosis:renal abscess
Material:Pr. 946, horse

Registry number:6097
Diagnosis:renal abscess
Material:Pr. 37, horse
Date:May, 30, 1912, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6098
Diagnosis:suppurative nephritis
Material:Pr. 146, horse, bay, male, 1 year old, emphalitis
Date:June, 24, 1914, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6099
Diagnosis:disseminated supprative nephritis
Material:Pr. 209, pig
Date:November, 6, 1915, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6100
Diagnosis:abscess of kidney
Material:Pr. 946, horse, chestnut color, female, 8 years old, equine infectious anemia
Date:November, 2, 1934, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6101
Diagnosis:suppurative nephritis (metastatic disseminated)
Material:Pr. 846, cattle, female, 6 years old, necrobacillary metritis
Date:May, 2, 1932, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6102
Diagnosis:embolic suppurative nephritis
Material:Pr. 849, horse, chestnut color, female, 3 days old, suppurative omphalitis
Date:May, 15, 1932, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6103
Diagnosis:embolic suppurative nephritis, infarction scar
Material:Pr. 1027, horse, bay , gelding, 20 years old
Date:October, 14, 1936, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6104
Diagnosis:abscess of kidney
Material:Pr. 1039, horse, Yanagawa disease metastasis of decubital ulcer
Date:January, 3, 1937, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6105
Diagnosis:abscess of kidney
Date:Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6106
Diagnosis:renal adenocarcinoma
Material:horse, black, male, 20 years old, kidney
Date:July, 22, 1910, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6107
Material:Pr. 92, cattle, kidney
Date:March, 10, 1913, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6108
Material:horse, kidney, Troop 24, Hanayama-gou
Date:August, 23, 1922, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6109
Material:dog, kidney
Date:September, 5, 1924, Kaname Konishi

Registry number:6110
Diagnosis:kidney tumor
Material:cattle, female, Breeding Farm
Date:August, 1925, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6111
Diagnosis:Hamartoma, adenoid proliferation
Material:horse, kidney
Date:Taisho, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6112
Diagnosis:Hamartoma, teratoma
Material:horse, kidney

Registry number:6113
Diagnosis:Hamartoma teratoma
Material:Pr. 1055, horse, bay , male, gelding, 20 years old, kidney
Date:May, 12, 1923, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6114
Diagnosis:kidney tumor
Date:Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6115
Diagnosis:kidney tumor (7 kg) (papillary and cystic)
Material:horse, equine infectious anemia, female, 7 years old, Tohoku Institute Animal Health
Date:December, 3, 1948

Registry number:6116
Material:Korea cattle, female, kidney
Date:Morioka Slaughter House, December, 1953, Sadao Miura

Registry number:6117
Diagnosis:bacterial pyelonephritis
Date:February, 1914, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6118
Diagnosis:bacterial pyelonephritis, kidney, ureter, urinary bladder
Material:Pr. 843, cattle, female, 10 years old
Date:April, 16, 1932, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6119
Diagnosis:parasitic infarction of kidney (Strongylus vulgaris)
Material:Pr. 1005, horse, kidney
Date:January, 20, 1936, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6120
Diagnosis:diphtheritic pyelitis, hemorrhagic diphtheritic systitis
Material:Pr. 1028, dog, male, 6 years old, secondary urethral calculus
Date:October, 20, 1936, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6121
Diagnosis:Hamartoma, adenoid proliferation
Material:cattle, kidney
Date:Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6122
Date:Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6123
Diagnosis:bacterial pyelonephritis (hypertrophy of right ureter)
Material:catle, cow, Holstein, female, 10 years old, Tohoku Institute Animal Health
Date:April, 24, 1950

Registry number:6124
Diagnosis:columnar blood clot due to hemorrhage in pervis
Date:Kaname Konishi

Registry number:6125
Diagnosis:kidney calculus
Material:Pr. 865

Registry number:6126
Diagnosis:intrapyelo calculus
Material:horse, female, 20 years old

Registry number:6127
Diagnosis:urethral calculus
Material:horse, male, 9 years old
Date:March, 29, 1930, Kaname Konishi

Registry number:6128
Diagnosis:hemorrhage of cystic mucosa (rupture of arteries, asphyxiant die)
Material:Pr. 792, horse, gelding, urinary bladder
Date:May, 27, 1931, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6129
Diagnosis:kidney calculus

Registry number:6130
Diagnosis:urinary calculus

Registry number:6131
Diagnosis:urinary calculus

Registry number:6132
Diagnosis:urethral calculus
Material:dog, Shepherd, 5 years old

Registry number:6133
Diagnosis:cystitis dilation of ureter, edema of kidney
Date:October, 1914, Iwakichi Kani

Registry number:6134
Material:horse, female, 12 years old, urinary bladder, Kagoshima Prefecture, Genroku Takahashi
Date:June, 27, 1917, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6135
Diagnosis:diphtheritic cystitis, perforation of urinary bladder
Material:pig, urinary bladder
Date:Taisho, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6136
Diagnosis:rupture of urinary bladder
Material:Pr. 726, horse, black, male, Keizai Farm
Date:July, 21, 1930, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6137
Diagnosis:congenital obstruction of opening of ureters of urinary bladder
Material:pig, male, 4 months old, Yasuo Igarashi
Date:August, 30, 1930, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6138
Diagnosis:cystitis. gangrene of urinary bladder(due to rupture of urinary bladder)
Material:Pr. 817, cattle, calf, male, urinary bladder, reproductive difficulty
Date:October, 28, 1931, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6139
Material:pig, male, Naohide Sakaki
Date:September, 15, 19, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6140
Diagnosis:urinary bladder papilloma
Material:cattle, female, hematuria
Date:November, 1935, Kenjiro Kikuchi

Registry number:6141
Diagnosis:cystic calculus

Registry number:6142
Diagnosis:urinary bladder

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Kosuke Okada

Department of Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University., Morioka, 020-8550, Japan