Due to recent advances in photographing and imaging technology, specimens can be recorded very clearly. Thus, it is now possible to preserve and exhibit actual objects as academic data. Former professor Kan-ichi Ohshima initiated the registration of the specimens stored at this museum of Iwate University and cataloged 512 specimens. Most of the specimens have not been cataloged, and their accurate number was unclear. With a special budget from the Ministry of Education, we produced this catalogue. Some specimens have been damaged due to repeated moving of the specimen room and annual replacement of formalin. With the help of students, we produced cards of all specimens and sorted them. There were about 2,000 specimens, of which only 30% had been sorted before. The labels on some specimen bottles had no description or blurred lettering. Though the terms of some diseases or parasites have also changed due to progress in identification, we did not correct them in this catalogue, out of respect for the way of thinking in that period. Based on this first catalogue, we intend to perform further research and make a more complete one.
There were many specimens in this museum that are rare and precious in the world, as well as being historically important in Japan. Through this research, we realized the enthusiasm of teachers at Imperial College of Agriculture and Forestry, Morioka (later Iwate University) for studies and education and the large number of persons wishing to contribute specimens in various districts in Japan. These specimens are an important cultural heritage common to all mankind. They should be accessible in a database for education and research. This museum is already overcrowded and has no room for additional exhibition of recent specimens. Specialists who study the specimens to enhance their scientific value are also necessary. We seek your understanding for the maintenance and expansion of this museum and an increase in the staff. We express deep gratitude to Prof. Tsukasa Sakamoto at the Department of Veterinary Parasitology for instructions such as in the parasite terminology and to the staff at our university and at Toryo Kosoku Insatsu Co., Ltd. for their cooperation in editing.
November 21, 1994
Former Prof. Kosuke Okada,
Department of Veterinary Pathology
Masanobu Goryo
Address inquiries to the following.
Department of Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture,
Iwate University., Morioka, 020-8550, Japan