Equine infectious anemia
This is an acute or chronic disease in horse. Before the world war II, about 9,000
horses were annually affected by this disease. However, all horses with virus infection
were killed according to the Domestic Animal Infectious Diseases Control Law, resulting
in no occurrence in Japan. Since the causative virus is very close to human AIDS virus,
equine infectious anemia is considered to be an important disease model of AIDS. Many
specimens are stored in this museum. The photo shows a hepatic lesion.
The liver lesion of congestive liver is called nutmeg liver because its cut surface
resembles that of nutmeg. Nutmeg liver is observed in diseases such as equine infectious
Masanobu Goryo
Address inquiries to the following.
Department of Veterinary Pathology, Faculty of Agriculture,
Iwate University., Morioka, 020-8550, Japan